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Chin Augmentation

What is a Chin augmentation?

A prominent chin is crucial for your overall facial harmony. If you have a weak or recessed chin, it might give your face a sunken appearance. Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the chin projection with or without an implant, depending on your specific needs and goals. Our plastic surgeons reshape the chin to help you achieve a more chiseled jawline while ensuring natural-looking results that conform to your expectations.

How Chin Augmentation Elevates Your Facial Contours:

  • Chin augmentation makes a weak chin look stronger
  • Chin augmentation adds projection to a recessed chin
  • Chin augmentation improves the jawline definition
  • Chin augmentation improves overall facial harmony

You Are The Ideal Candidate For Chin Augmentation If:

  • You have a small or recessed chin
  • You want to improve your facial contours
  • You want a more chiseled jawline
  • You have excess skin when you look down
  • You are in generally good physical health
  • You have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • You are a nonsmoker or willing to stop smoking before and after the procedure

What happens during the chin augmentation surgery?

Brand Surgical Institute is led by highly-skilled cosmetic surgeons who use personalized techniques to enhance your chin projection. During your consultation, the surgeon will carefully examine your facial contours, discuss your concerns and goals, review your medical history, and curate a personalized chin augmentation treatment plan. The surgeon will select the ideal type and size of chin implants for your specific needs.

Chin augmentation is performed under general anesthesia at our accredited surgical facility. The surgeon will make a small incision under the chin to place the silicone implant over the chin bone. In some cases, the surgeon may shave some of the jawbone to create a pocket to hold the chin implant. The surgeon will suture the implant to the chin bone, following which the incisions are closed with sutures.

What Is Recovery Like After Chin Augmentation?

After chin augmentation with an implant, the recovery process usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. You may experience swelling, numbness, and discomfort around the chin and jaws. The chin implant will gradually settle into the new location, following which the side effects will dissipate. Normal sensitivity may gradually return to your chin after a few weeks. You can resume most of your activities after 4 to 6 weeks.

Can Chin Augmentation Help With A Double Chin?

Chin augmentation adds volume to your chin, making it look more pronounced. If you're concerned about a double chin, you might be a better candidate for liposuction, which involves using a hollow cannula to suction away the excess fat cells, making your chin and jawline look more chiseled. Please visit our plastic surgeons to determine the ideal surgical procedure for your specific needs and goals.

Schedule a consultation for chin augmentation

Brand Surgical Institute is the first multi-specialty ambulatory surgery center in Glendale, CA. Our outpatient surgical facility is dedicated to a wide range of surgical procedures focusing on health, beauty, and overall wellness. Our highly-skilled surgical experts specialize in cutting-edge cosmetic surgeries that elevate your facial contours and improve your confidence. Please schedule an appointment to explore your chin augmentation options in Glendale.

Schedule A Consultation
Located In716 W. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91204