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Breast Augmentation

How can a Breast Augmentation fit you?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world. However, breast augmentation is an extremely personalized procedure - the surgeon must select the ideal breast implant materials and size and use the correct surgical techniques to ensure successful results. Brand Surgical Institute performs highly personalized procedures to elevate the shape and size of your breasts without leaving a trace of cosmetic manipulation.

How Does Breast Augmentation Work?

Breast augmentation is a personalized surgical procedure that involves carefully inserting implants underneath the breast tissues. This procedure improves the size, shape, and overall contours of the breasts, making you feel more confident. Breast augmentation can also help you regain your figure after childbirth and nursing and allow you to fit into clothes that offer an attractive silhouette.

Various implant materials are available, including silicone implants and saline implants. The surgeon implants the chosen type and size of implants under your breasts via strategic incisions. Every aspect of the treatment, including the incision location, implant material, implant size and width, and the location of implantation, is personalized according to your unique needs and anatomy.

What Are My Breast Implant Options?

Silicone/ Gummy Bear Implants

Silicone gel is an inert polymer with no known cause of human allergies, sensitivities, or reactions. Like gummy bears, the molecules are stuck to one another in a cohesive silicone gel, which can create a more natural look and feel to the breast, similar to breast tissues. According to the FDA, women must be 22 years or older to be offered silicone gel implants for breast augmentation - implant manufacturers do not honor warranties in younger patients.

Saline Implants

Saline breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone, but they're filled with sterile salt water. The breast implant shell is inserted empty and then filled with sterile salt water, which means the incision site is often smaller. Saline implants are also less expensive than silicone. A drawback of saline breast implants is that they might be more easily seen under the skin (causing rippling), and you may feel water sloshing.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation:

  • Improve the shape, size, and contours of your breasts
  • Improve the projection of your breasts
  • Reverse the effects of age, childbirth, and nursing on your breasts
  • Allow you to fit into attractive dresses
  • Personalized according to your unique anatomy and goals
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence

You Are the Ideal Candidate For Breast Augmentation If:

  • You want to enhance the size and shape of your breasts
  • You want to make your breasts look fuller and perkier
  • You have good skin elasticity
  • You have good physical health
  • You have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • You are a nonsmoker or willing to stop smoking before and after the procedure

What happens during breast augmentation?

Women seeking breast augmentation are custom-fitted for breast implants during their initial consultation and pre-operative appointment. Your surgeon will take breast measurements to ensure a precise breast implant fit. Diversity in breast implant projection is available — some women elect greater upper pole projection or a more moderate projection. A critical consideration in choosing an implant is the width of the implant, which should match the breast's natural soft tissue. If the implant is too large, there is a higher risk of implant rippling and visibility.

Your surgeon will examine the anatomy of your breast tissue, quality of the skin, and the desired breast size to determine the appropriate implant style and incision location. Three types of incisions may be used for breast augmentation — inframammary (at the breast crease), periareolar (around the areola), and axillary (in the arm-pit).

The surgeon must also determine if the implant is placed under the muscles (submuscular placement) or above the muscles (subglandular), which will depend on the implant size and the density of your breast tissues.

Each breast augmentation surgery is unique. Your surgeon will discuss your options during the consultation, so the treatment plan is curated according to your specific needs. Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia at our accredited surgical facility. The surgeon makes an incision at the appropriate location, following which the chosen breast implant (silicone or saline) is inserted under or above the pectoralis major chest muscle. After placing the implant, the incision will be sutured, and you can return home.


What Is Recovery Like After Breast Augmentation?

Patients may resume normal activities within a few days. At your preoperative consultation, you will receive pre- and post-operative instructions. You will have to wear compression garments and surgical bras for a few weeks to reduce swelling and improve healing. The scars will gradually dissipate and become almost invisible. It generally takes around six months for the breasts to settle completely, following which you can enjoy your voluminous and natural-looking breasts.

The following is a general overview of the breast augmentation recovery timeline:

  • Return to Work: 1 to 2 weeks after surgery
  • Full Recovery: 3 to 4 weeks after surgery
  • Return to Exercise: 8 weeks after surgery

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants generally last 10 to 15 years; some can even last longer. If there are no complications, such as leakage, ruptures, and deflation, you don't need to change the breast implant or undergo another breast augmentation surgery.

Can The Breast Implants Rupture?

Most breast implants are carefully designed to withstand sufficient implant and daily wear-and-tear. With proper care, the possibility of a breast implant rupture is remote. If a saline implant ruptures, the sterile salt water is absorbed by the body, and you immediately notice the wrinkling effect. But if a silicone implant ruptures, the cohesive gel stays intact, so there's no wrinkling. That's why patients with silicone implants need regular MRI scans to detect ruptures.

Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?

Silicone implants are FDA-approved for breast augmentation, which means they're completely safe. There is no link between silicone implants and cancer, auto-immune deficiency diseases, or other medical conditions. You can opt for silicone implants without fears of safety.

Do I Need A Breast Augmentation or A Breast Lift?

The procedure enhances the shape and size of the breast, but it doesn't correct issues related to skin laxity and sagging. A breast lift corrects issues related to skin laxity and sagging, making your breasts look more firm and upright. Depending on your unique goals and condition, the surgeon will determine if you're a better candidate for breast augmentation, breast lift, or a combination of the two.

Schedule a consultation for breast augmentation

Brand Surgical Institute is a luxurious outpatient surgical facility specializing in the latest and safest surgical techniques for your health and beauty. Our surgical experts believe everyone is unique, so they curate highly personalized surgical plans based on your unique anatomy and expectations. Our personalized approach to breast augmentation ensures safe and consistent results. If you want to elevate your breast volume and shape, please schedule an appointment at our surgical facility in Glendale, CA.

Schedule A Consultation
Located In716 W. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91204